Delete Submission (appears as red link on the right): Click Delete to delete this specific attempt for this activity for this student. When you click this button, a message box appears asking the confirmation. Because of this, its sometimes important to hide or remove information on a PDF, or in the metadata of a PDF. Delete All Submissions (appears in blue header band): Click Delete All Submissions to delete all attempts for this activity for this student. PDFs are used primarily for professional reasons.
In the View Submissions window, two Delete options appear:. Select the submission you want to delete (for example, 9:38:08 AM). It is a very common practice to re-use spreadsheets for new purposes.
Click the button next to the student name to view a list of submissions for that student. But if that information is no longer correct, then you may need to know how to delete a header in Excel 2013. When the View All Submissions window displays, review the Student List on the left and find the student(s) whose submission(s) you want to delete. In the column header of the desired activity, click the O ptions arrow next to the activity title, and then click View All Submissions on the options menu. (You may need to drill down through the folders in the Course Content to locate the activity.) Navigate to find the activity for which you want to delete one or more submissions in the Left Navigation Panel. Another way to specify we want to delete a row not a column is to use axisindex argument instead of axis0. In this example, we drop row with name one. For each activity, a column includes a column header and various icons to indicate the activity status. To delete a row from a dataframe, we specify the index name and also use axis0 argument. The gradebook displays a series of columns-one for student information, a grade to date column (optional), and one column per activity assigned to students in your course. Sign in to the correct course and navigate to the gradebook. To make it appear only on the first page, go to the new design tab on the ribbon, in the Options group, click to check the Different First Page option. Now the header will be visible on all the pages in your document. Now we might to want remove row 1 and row 3, therefore we will be removing 4 and 6 from df and it can be done as shown below − > df = dfĢ0 0.2709537888 0.42275997 -0.54869693 0.73858864 1.To delete a submission, please follow these steps: The header section will also become active with the selected built-in header. In R, we achieve this with the help of subsetting through single square brackets. For example, if a row contains values greater than, less than or equal to a certain threshold then it might not be needed, therefore we can delete it. This data can be a whole row or multiple rows. How to delete a row from an R data frame - While doing the analysis, we might come across with data that is not required and we want to delete it. Drop rows with missing and null values using omit(), complete.cases() and slice() Drop rows in R with conditions can be done with the help of subset. While doing the analysis, we might come across with data that is not required and we want to delete it. Delete or Drop rows in R with conditions done using subset function.